Creepin' It Burly

Creepin’ it Burly (CIB) was conceptualized in 2020 and brought to life during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Since then, CIB members and friends have graced stages across the Midwest bringing together creeps, nerds and supporters of the arts. 

Specializing in the weird and the macabre, CIB members also embrace their nerd side as they attend and perform in several conventions. 

Some of these include Windycon in Chicago, InConjunction in Indianapolis, Anime Crossroads in Indianapolis and Whosyercon in Indianapolis.

Not a convention monster? No worries. We have “regular” shows at venues such as the Mark III Taproom in Muncie and the Historic Saint Joseph Hall in Indianapolis.

Creepin’ it Burly believes:

– Halloween is year-round

– Diversity is not an option

– Black Lives Matter

– Trans Lives Matter

– Your body, your choice